Clutch Awards Upcall as One of the Top Call Center Companies on Their Platform

Upcall has been providing quality call center services in the United States for almost five years now. Our team can handle services like lead generation, lead qualification, and even surveys. We pride ourselves in providing scalable, efficient, and seamless integration to our client’s workflow.

Our company also offers a campaign builder that features expertly written templates and survey options, a customizable data field to give each contact, and tailored-made scripts that will fit your industry and complement your goals.

The team is flexible to accommodate your needs! We offer local presence caller ID to help increase pickup rates, optimize your call sequences, add personal scripts for all calls, and choose the perfect call times. Our clients have control over every detail that will matter for their process.

We are also happy to announce that we are included on Clutch’s list of Top Call center Companies this 2021. Our team is very glad to have been named this prestigious award and you can expect that we will continue to provide the same excellent call center services from here on out.

Here is what our CEO and Co-Founder Samuel Devyver has to say about this Clutch award:

“We are honored to have been chosen as one of the leading B2B voice providers of 2021 by Clutch, this is a testimonial of our hard work to provide exceptional support and outbound sales services.”

For more information about our services, you can visit our site for an overview of how Upcall works.

If you are interested in partnering with us, give us a call! Our team will gladly assist you and answer all your questions. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

Posted on March 9 at 10:36 AM

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