10 Reasons Why a Phone Call is the Best Way to Qualify Web Leads

In the era of automated lead qualifying software and email, phone calls might seem an old-fashioned way to qualify leads. But that’s far from the truth. Actually, when used properly phone calls are the most effective way to contact possible clients and have plenty of advantages over alternative methods.

  1. Phone calls create a personal bond with customers

When you talk directly to people who are interested in your services, leads are much more likely to take that interest to the next stage.

Human contact goes a long way in any business, but that’s particularly the case in real estate. When people hear a voice they trust, it’s much easier to get them to move deeper into the sales process.

  1. Speed to dial: Phone calls are simply faster

While emails can be fired off as soon as customers enter their information, there’s no guarantee that these emails will be opened anytime soon.

You can call customers almost instantly. That way, you can provide them with further details and find out whether they are going to move on with their purchasing or selling process.

  1. The quality of information from phone calls is higher

Phone-based lead qualification also has qualitative benefits, allowing you to learn more about potential buyers and provide more information to them. This tends to make them more willing to engage with your company and lets you offer additional services that they may not have noticed online.

  1. Call-based qualification leads to less confusion

Phoning leads improves the quality of decision making throughout the sales process. One of the biggest problems faced by companies is ensuring that customers are well-informed and understand their options.

Speaking with a knowledgeable, helpful representative is almost always the best way to iron out any misconceptions, speeding things up and creating better relationships in the process.

  1. Email-based outreach can be tedious

One of the best things about using phone calls to handle lead qualification is the simplicity of the process.

Almost all the time, email-based interactions generate complex (and sometimes seemingly endless) email strings. With phone calls, you can discuss everything in one conversation and make clear arrangements for subsequent follow-ups. Information is less likely to get lost in the to-and-from as well.

  1. Phone calls bring everyone together

While emails can include every stakeholder, this doesn’t always mean everyone pays attention and understands where the sales process has reached.

Well-managed conference calls involve all of the key players, ensuring that everyone is engaged. Problems can be identified instantly and diaries can be synchronized with ease.

  1. Lead scoring is much easier when carried out on the phone

The chances are you employ some sort of lead scoring system to differentiate customers and focus your resources on clients who are most likely to convert.

With call-based operations, staff can keep lead scoring tables close to hand and easily check off the various metrics, making every point as clear as possible.

Emails and online forms tend to provide less information for staff, resulting in lower quality leads or extended exchanges to secure better data. With phone calls, that’s not an issue.

  1. Phone calls can synchronize with every other lead generation system

Most companies rely on a variety of contact points, from bricks and mortar locations to print adverts, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and email marketing.

With the right systems in place, all of the leads harvested can be handled in a matter of minutes, allowing you to make the most of your investments in social media and marketing.

  1. Phone calls empower clients and representatives alike

For customers, calls are a chance to ask any questions that are weighing on their minds. For staff, they are a chance to listen, learn, and impress clients with their attention to detail.

This dynamic has a huge influence on lead conversion rates. It generates goodwill, trust, better information and – in the end – a much higher potential for closing the deal.

  1. Call-based lead qualification is efficient, effective and affordable

Above all, phone-based lead qualifying systems are competitive with alternative options on every level, from initial cost to quality, operational efficiency and conversion rates. In fact, they tend to outperform automated or web-based systems on every score.

Services like Upcall provide professional phone agents who can call leads from any source within five minutes of them expressing interest. If your company is struggling to raise lead conversion rates, these modern phone-based options could be exactly what you need.

Posted on March 30 at 5:00 PM

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